Monday, July 7, 2008

Google Wedding - What About Me?

Alright, so I have hinted at how I may be a little obsessed with Google and how I have been using it to plan the wedding. I thought that I had used every Google feature possible but, that is not the case. Here is a link to a Google blog on a couple that is much more obsessed than I (or maybe just more in the know). Despite losing out to these superstars, I thought I would add some of my own tips on how I used it to plan the wedding.

Google Calendar: Since I am planning the wedding under the ever-watchful eye of my mother, I used Google Calendar to keep track of appointments with vendors, so she could know which ones she wanted to attend. I also used the reminder service to track the dates that the payments were due, sending the reminder a week in advance to both of us gave us plenty of time to send it in.
Google Docs: I also used Google Docs to create the guest list, and it was really easy for my mom to update. When she input the accepts/declines on the list, I could look at it without her having to call me with an update (not that she didn't still call me).
Google Page Creator: I created a wedding page here that gave everyone the hotel reservation info, schedule of events, and other details.
Google Maps: I hadn't realized I could create my own map, like the Boyle's did, so I used a web application called Wedding Mapper.
Google Analytics: This application lets you stalk your guests and see which people from which cities have been looking at your wedding website and which pages they have been viewing.


Anonymous said...

I love that you used Google so extensively to plan your wedding. That is *so* awesome! Lets hear it for Google power! :-) (I'm not sure why it makes me so giddy, but it does. Must be my inner geek factor.)

Anonymous said...

Mad props - thanks! I'm using it now!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Thanks - this was a help!

Anonymous said...

We did some similar things with Google tools, too. Using the Calendar for payment reminders is a great idea. We shared our guest list too, but used a spreadsheet instead of a document. That way I could add up how many people were attending rather quickly.