Sunday, August 3, 2008

Manicure Time

For months I have been attempting to keep my nails looking decent in the hopes that I would not "need" to have fake nails for the wedding (there are an awful lot of close-ups of hands). I love having fake nails while they are on, but taking them off leaves you with gross, thin, damaged nails that take even longer to grow back. I was doing quite well, and my nails even had some length, when disaster struck.

In the last week, as a result of moving I have:
  • scraped my hand on the tape dispenser
  • scraped three knuckles on boxes while packing them
  • torn 2 nails
  • put some sort of weird "cleaning crease" on my knuckles from when I scrubbed the bathroom before we left
Stupid moving. Solar nails, here I come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just saw your venue (I was back reading entries) AWESOME!!! Have a great wedding and put pix on the blog!