Monday, June 6, 2011

Target Obsession

I had a bit of a shopping "episode" while we were in Houston for the wedding over Memorial Day weekend, partially spurred by my dear friend A.B.'s post on a certain collection at Target. The bride and groom of the wedding in question had registered at Target, and my cousin, the bride, trickster that she is, registered for Cheetos. The morning of the wedding, my baby sister, Mr. D and I made a trip to Target to purchase what would be 10 of at least 30 bags of Cheetos to be seen on the gift table.

As we're walking to the register, I see a sign hanging over the swimsuit section - the Calypso collection was still going on. As Mr. D wanted to hit up the Spec's, and we had to be back at the house for brunch (go Mom), I told them to get in line and I would meet them before they checked out. I ran over and scanned the rack and found this swimsuit.
I didn't even have time to try it on, I just grabbed what I thought was the right size and ran back to the register - total time, two minutes. :) Cute, right?

1 comment:

A.B. said...

I'm inspired :)

...and now want cheetos.