Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Umm... Going back to work after vacation sucks. Especially when your coworkers keep asking you if you are tired, when you get to work. Umm, duh, probably, so let's talk about it so I can think about the fact that I woke up every hour starting at 2 am (8 am Italy time).

I managed to forget about my tiredness, until about 4 pm (mostly because there wasn't a whole heck of a lot to do at the office), when someone asks me about it again. As soon as I said that I was fine, my entire body went into I-want-a-nap mode. Boo. I managed to last until 6, and once I got home, I was fine until bedtime, so I think we've got this thing kicked.

We managed to sneakily avoid most of the jet lag problems going over to Italy, since we hopped on a 4-hour train to Venice as soon as we landed in Rome. As soon as we got on that train, I was OUT. I hope I don't ever really have to travel for work, when I am expected to work on a train, because I have become a compulsive airplane/train sleeper. Just hearing the air conditioning on the plane makes me sleepy, and once they start the engines, I'm out.

Sleeping on the train did lead me to forget that I had packed the camera in our luggage, which I just remembered, since all the pictures we took on our scenic boat ride/public transit boat are on my iPhone - which means that the picture I wanted to post is there, so in the interests of getting a fun picture posted, I may just make another post.

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