Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend Synopsis

1. Get out of work later than agreed to on Tuesday (wait for mail instead of lunch). Wash - I can't really complain since I did get to leave early.
2. Sit in traffic for 30 minutes just to get into the tunnel. And listen to Mr. D go crazy yelling at the idiot in front of us (from our car, so it's not like the guy heard).
3. Make long drive to the D family house.
4. Make Thanksgiving dinner (lunch). Mr. D and I contributed home-made green bean casserole ala Alton Brown. We can't get too adventurous with the D family.
5. Mr. D smokes bacon
6. The dogs fight (Sasha, the D's dog, and brother D's dog).
7. It rains - we play some Wii.
8. We eat leftovers for dinner.
9. Wake up to biiiiiig breakfast. French toast and bacon.
10. Check in on work. Not a lot going on - good.
11. It snows. More Wii.
12. The dogs fight.
13. The D's, Mr. D and I go to the casino.
14. Mr. D and I each win $100.
15. We go home, make dinner, dogs fight.
16. Biiiig breakfast @ 9:00 am. Pancakes and sausage.
17. 11:30 - meet Mr. D's high school friend for lunch at best wing place (note small difference between breakfast and lunch).
18. Cook for Mr. D's brother's Mexican-themed birthday party. Refried beans - Win! Spanish rice - Fail! (Truly - never let me cook rice for you - Mr. D is never satisfied, and it's never quite right. I think this was close, but a bit mushy).
19. Watch football.
20. Eat huge breakfast - eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast.
21. Drive home.


eewhite said...

you're not allowed to go crazy with out family either!

eewhite said...

out should be our...