Wednesday, November 17, 2010


How is it already Wednesday? We had a little bit of a busy weekend - the kind where you're exhausted, but you didn't really do anything. Saturday we woke up and ran errands before my brother arrived, then we made pizza when he got there and then the boys spent the afternoon watching soccer and football.

We took little brother out for a steak dinner, and the restaurant was a little odd. First, we were surrounded by little kids, though one did seem to be a regular (or his dad worked there), the way the whole staff came around to say hi. Then a waiter carded a woman, clearly in her late twenties, with her husband. She didn't have her purse, so they refused to serve her. The couple had a big problem with that, as it was their anniversary. We thought they would walk out after the manager said he couldn't do anything, but then, 5 minutes later she had a glass of wine in front of her.

The next day, Mr. D and I woke up, then spent the next two hours trying not to wake up my brother on the couch while we took the dog out, got coffee, and ate breakfast.

We walked over the Brooklyn Bridge to Grimaldi's and had pizza (yes, again). We walked over to the waterfront and then took the subway back into the city to watch the Bills game at a sports bar by the apartment. The best part was the crazy hockey game on the tv next to it - there were 10 goals and at least 3 fights.

I made dinner at home before we went to the Knicks game that night against the Rockets - our first time at an event at Madison Square Garden, even though we live right down the street. The Knicks were terrible, the Rockets won, and we left early to get my brother home to prep for his interview, so we missed the fans booing the Knicks at the end of the game.

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