Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hunger Games Overload (not really)

This weekend's travel plans coincided with me finishing my latest book, Agaat. So I picked up the first Hunger Games book for my Kindle app on the iPhone, knowing that I would have at least some free time on the plane, after two of my friends had recommended it to me over our trip to Austin. Very good - and a quick read. Especially when your flight is inexplicably (not really) delayed because your flight crew had not even left the airport they are coming in from, which is even more aggravating when you look up the flight and they weren't supposed to land until your flight took off anyway - how are they supposed to get across the terminal and do all of their checks - who knows? Not Continental. (I did see that we wound with one of the nicest pilots, who saw that we were all waiting on the jetway for our bags - yay tiny planes - and went out to check with the ground crew for us.)

Anyway - between the flight delay and the general coziness of being at the in-laws, I finished the first book Saturday night. Then our flight got delayed leaving, so I read a big chunk of that. Between me reading on the subways on the way to work and in bed this week, I'm almost finished. So good!


eewhite said...

please check your grammar...i think you are missing some words :)
and stop hating on continental. that is what happens in the north in the winter....there are flight delays.

Michelle said...

I really enjoyed that book. I still need to read the last one to find out what happens. Do you find it hard to describe the book to others without them thinking you're crazy for liking something with that subject matter?

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Ah I really need a new book and a new kindle.

<3, New Follower
Everyone loves a giveaway

Maggie said...

Michelle - the last one is good, but the whole Peeta/Gale thing is going on. I didn't read Twilight, but since the whole what's-his-face vs. other guy theme is all over that series, I think it would be too much. Does it mean I'm old, when I am annoyed by teen angst? I haven't had to describe it to too many people, but I did think Amanda and Vickie were a tad crazy when they recommended it. The first book really reminded me of the tripod series, which I read waaay back in junior high. But that series has aliens in it.