Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day Dinner

Hello - more pictures of food for the viewing. Mr. D and I continued our tradition of making ourselves a fancy meal for Valentine's Day (we celebrated on Sunday). Below is the main course: Butter poached lobster from the French Laundry cookbook.

Everything was delicious. I found out that I am pretty good at getting lobster meat out of the claws without breaking it. Mr. D handled the buerre monte (butter sauce), the beet reduction, and cooking the lobster. I chopped the veggies into teeny tiny pieces and sliced the leeks. I was in charge of the potatoes (on top) too, but they weren't quite right, I think they were supposed to be crispier.

1 comment:

Whim Wham Life said...

That sounds/looks so delicious! Happy "belate" Valentines! Just found your blog and had to say hi! xoxo