Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

This post is already a day late, so there goes any sort of resolution to stop procrastinating :)

Mr. D and I had a big organization day earlier today - we got back from visiting Houston on Friday, but have managed to get the luggage unpacked (uck) and put away. And Mr. D has started laundry. This never happens - he usually only does his socks, but he has put clothes in the washer, then in the dryer, and folded the clothes that were in the dryer. And now he's folding them and putting them away. I'm in shock :)

Now I had better go do my part by finishing cleaning up the dishes from dinner :)


Rebecca DeVendra said...

I just wanted to say that I find your posts refreshing and fun to read! I'm in a similar situation- I'll be married (Catholic Church) this summer, and then I'm moving to Boston so that the man can get his PHD. I'm a small town girl, so the big city kind of scares me! It's encouraging to see your positive outlook.

Maggie said...

Hi Rebecca - I'm so glad you like my posts. Thank you for saying so! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding - don't be too worried about the move to Boston, I have a friend who's there and it can be like a big college town at times.