Friday, July 16, 2010

Mr. D's iPhone

My husband is one of the luckiest people on the face of the planet. As an early anniversary gift, we got each other the new iPhones. Mr. D took care of everything, calling AT&T the week before to see how much it would cost to set up, then logged on the day of the pre-order launch and ordered the phones, so that we would have them the first day.

Fourth of July weekend we were walking over to the pier for our lunchtime picnic, and Mr. D was checking the map to see which street went over to the right pier, when he DROPPED it. Right on the ground and cracked the glass in the back. Sad Mr. D. Sad me.

UNTIL I remembered that we bought it on our AMEX, which has buyer protection, so Mr. D called them and started the claims process. They hadn't gotten back to us yet, but he thought that they would need an estimate of how much the repair would cost, so he made an appointment at the Apple store.

When we got there, they were running a little behind, and Mr. D was more than a little impatient, and after half an hour, they called his name. We show the woman behind the counter the phone, and she says she has to go talk to her manager. She comes back to us and says that the problem is that Apple is going to get the parts in, but hasn't started shipping them or even set a price yet. Pause. Sad Mr. D. Sad me. THEN, she says that since she felt bad for us, and we had gone to all the trouble to get the phone, they were just going to give Mr. D a new one!!!!

Happiness ensued. Yay Apple!!

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