Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm pretty sure I have some form of ADD/ADHD, whatever we're calling it these days. I see it everyday when I go to work, and it was the same when I was in school. At any point in time, I have at least 10 windows open on my computer. Even worse, now that internet browsers have tabs, I'll have at least five or six of those open at a time. I've been doing a lot of research at work lately, so I've caught myself with 30 tabs open at a time - which is when the drop-down list of tabs on the right comes in handy. I'll see a window to our document server open, forget why I've had it open, close it, and 5 minutes later realize what I had meant to do.

I blame this partially on my "ADD," but partly on my efficiency - which sounds weird, but isn't - because our computer system is ANCIENT. If I need to open something, I can't wait 5 minutes for it to pop up, so I'll open it and then go back to something else while I'm waiting for it. Clearly we need new computers!!

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