Saturday, August 21, 2010

Use Video Games for Good, not Evil

Yesterday afternoon, my boss invented a report for us to do for a client for Monday, which left me to do some formatting for a PowerPoint, and we did not finish until 6:10 pm. On a Summer Friday*.

Anyway, as I suspected, Mr. D beat me home, but had not taken the dog out yet. Usually the dog-taking-out schedule is that I take her out in the morning, then when I get home, and Mr. D takes her out at night. There is a unspoken agreement that if Mr. D gets home first, he will take the Soosh outside. When I got home yesterday, Mr. D was plopped on the couch with the dog playing video games. "Have you taken the dog out yet?"

"No, I just got home from work, when would I have had time to do that."

In my head: "I don't know, the cowboy on screen is already halfway to wherever, how much time did that take?"

Out loud: "Hmm, fine. Do you want to take the dog outside or make dinner."

Him: "I'll make dinner."

Best deal I ever made. Not that dinner was going to be too difficult, some fish fillets with veggies from our CSA box (tomato and mozzarella salad and sauteed squash). Yumm.

*Summer Fridays are a weird thing. My brother-in-law asked my sister why we had summer Fridays, when our business wasn't necessarily seasonal. I think it's more of a New York, Northeast type of thing. Basically everyone gets out early on Friday, though some companies are just having off on alternate Fridays. Our office is a little more frustrating; since it's not a set time, we can't make plans dependent on our leaving early.

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